Miner’s Lodge #273 Pancake Breakfast
On Sunday August 3rd 357 Brotherhood organized a ride of 14 bikes to Miners Lodge #273 in Galena,IL for their annual Community Breakfast. Brothers Pete aka 4×4 from Darkside and Greg aka Cheez Whiz from Cornerstones along with his lady Kim aka Butterfly joined us for a very scenic back road route to Galena. 357 Brotherhoods Road Captain Rev put together a great route. We were all very proud to be able to support our brothers from Miner’s Lodge & boy can they put on a Great Spread!!! The food was awesome…The fellowship was even better.. We suggest to all if you can ever ride out to Galena make sure you stop by and visit the brothers of Miner’s Lodge # 273. The brothers gave us a great tour of the building and we look forward to return. Widows Sons supporting our lodges in all that they do. SMIB!
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