Northern Branding 2014
On Saturday Nov 1st members of 357 Brotherhood & their lady’s took a trip up north to Richmond, IL for the Northern Illinois Widows Sons Branding hosted by Widows Sons Cornerstones Chapter from Antioch, IL. The function took place at the Ben Hur Lodge #870 IOOF located in Richmond, IL. We had 2 Brothers joining the ranks of the Branded Brothers Nero & Mope, Congrats Brothers!!! The heart of a true Mason & Widows Sons is always ready to give and help those in need and this night was no exception. Proceeds were collected to assist a daughter of a fellow Widows Son that under went organ transplant surgery and was in need of a wheelchair. This evening over $1000.00 was collected and presented to her dad. The strength and solidarity behind our great fraternity is unmeasurable “WE ARE OUR BROTHERS KEEPER”!!! President of Cornerstones Chapter and Illinois State Vice President Stromin Normin stuck to his word and presented a trophy to 357 Brotherhood for the most members represented at their Motorcycle Rodeo over the summer. We had a special guest in attendance we were honored and surprised to have Widows Sons Kentucky State President Sarge at the ceremony and were very proud to have him share his thoughts to our newly Branded Brothers… It was truly a great night to share with Brothers and Lady’s… More and more you see, feel, and experience what it is to be a member of this great fraternity and this great organization…
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