Widows Sons Grand Gathering 2015
On Sept 2nd thru the 7th many Widows Sons from all over the world got together in Waynesville. Missouri. The Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association of Missouri hosted the 2015 Widows Sons National Gathering at the Pulaski County Shrine Club. WHAT A GREAT TIME!!! 357 Brotherhood had over 11 members attending the Grand Gathering. Special Thanks to Mama Bear & Papa Bear for getting there early & having everything setup for the rest of us. Once again you guys are unbelievable and we are truly grateful for all you did!! Our campsite was rockin like always. We had plenty of food & plenty to drink. All who stopped by got the very best that 357 Brotherhood had to offer. The Widows Sons of Illinois can gladly say we had one of the largest contingents in attendance. We had all of our Presidents Council officers present & over 12 chapters were represented. Congrats to Brother Slider on becoming a Branded Brother. The Brothers of Missouri did a FANTASTIC JOB!!! You could not ask for anything else… The accommodations & overall organization of the festivities were GREAT!! Congratulations to State President Rosie and all the Missouri Brothers for putting on a GRAND EVENT!!
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