Installation of officers for Oak Forest Lodge #832
Sept 25th members and ladies of 357 Brotherhood attended the installation of officers for Oak Forest Lodge #832. We had 3 members being installed in officer positions. It’s become a common trend in 357. Our membership truly embodies what it is to be a blue lodge Mason and supporters of our blue lodges. We are very proud of our very own members Tim who was installed as Treasurer, WB Gene who was installed as Secretary and Brother Amando who was installed as Chaplin. Being installed as a officer in any lodge is a great honor. I know these Brothers will do their best in their respective positions. With such a great day before us, President Cookie took advantage of the opportunity and presented WB Gene with his official 357 Brotherhood Petitioner vest. Welcome to the fold Brother Gene. 357 Brotherhood wants to congratulate the Worshipful Master and all the officers of Oak Forest Lodge #832 and we wish you all but great success.

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